
Value Added Tax (VAT)

        VAT is a tax on consumer spending. It is collected by VAT-registered traders on their supplies of goods and services effected within the State, for consideration, to their customers. Generally, each such trader in the chain of supply from manufacturer through to retailer charges VAT on his or her sales* and is entitled to deduct from this amount the VAT paid on his or her purchases.
      [*In some circumstances, particularly in the construction industry, VAT is not charged by the supplier, but instead the customer simply accounts for the VAT as if it had been charged.]
       The effect of offsetting VAT on purchases against VAT on sales is to impose the tax on the added value at each stage of production – hence Value-Added Tax. For the final consumer, not being VAT-registered, VAT simply forms part of the purchase price.
Required Documents:
·         PAN Xerox copy (Each partner)
·         Address Proof   (Each partner)
·         Company PAN card Xerox
·         Company registration details
·         Partnership Deed
·         Registered Rental Agreement (In case owned NOC from the owner).
·         Electricity Bill Receipt (original) and Xerox
·         Bank Pass Book / Latest Bank Statement(3-6 Months) current account
·         1 Colour Photograph of each partner  

·         Company For stamp.

Note:Any 2 VAT dealers signature along with their TIN is required in addition with above mentioned documents for CST REGISTRATION

Download Forms:
  1. VAT 100 Form
  2. CST A Application Form

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